contoh paragraf report

ContohParagraf Report
 Reading Report Text
A report is a text that describes the way thing are, with reference to a range of natural, manmade and social phenomenon in our environment.

The GenericStructure of Report Text
Ø  General Classification : describes the phenomenon in general.
Ø  Description                  : describes the phenomenon in details, in terms of:
v  Parts ( and their function )
v  Qualities
v  Habits or behaviours.
SignificantLanguage Features :
Ø  Focus on generic participants,
Ø  Use of relational processes to state what and which it is,
Ø  Use of simple present tense (  unless extinct ), and
Ø  No temporal sequence.


            Bees are insect. They always fly in the air with their pair of wings. There are about 20.000 species of kinds of bees. They live everywhere in the world except on the  high mountain, in the Arctic and Antarctic, and on some small islands in the ocean.
            Some bees are as small as 0.08 inch ( 2 millimeters ). However, some bees are big as 1.6.inches ( 4 centimeters ). Some of bees have some colors. Bees come in many colors; black, grey, yellow, red, green, or blue. Most bees live alone. They are called solitary bees. Meanwhile, some bees live in groups called colonies. They are social bees.
            Bees have three pairs of legs and four wings. Like all insects, they have a head, chest, and abdomen. They have mouthparts and a tongue for collecting nectar. They carry nectar in an organ called a honey stomach.
            Moreover, bees have special wings that let them fly like helicopter. They can fly backward, forward, sideways, or stay in one place in the air.
            In addition, bees have three regular eyes and two compound eyes have many lenses. Furthermore, bees can see colors and patterns. This helps them find flowers. Usually they suck a honey with their honey stomach. Bees try to find the flower to get a honey. But, bees can take out their poison if the enemy disturb them.

Kakadu National Park

            Kakadu National Park is on the World Heritage List. It is one of the few sites in the world included for both outstanding cultural and natural attraction. The park is located in the tropical north of Australia, 120 kilometers east of Darwin. It covers a total area of 19,804square kilometers.
            Kakadu contain features of great natural beauty and sweeping landscape. Its most outstanding landforms include extensive wetlands and spectacular  ‘walls of rock’.
            Moreover, Kakadu National Park contains a wide range of flora and fauna. There are more than 60 species of mammals, 289 species of birds, 132 species of reptiles, 25 species of frogs, 55 species of freshwater fish and over 10.000 species of insects. Besides, eucalyptus forest, woodlands and grasslands cover much of the lowland area in Kakadu National Park. There are even small areas of monsoon rainforest. During the wet season, rivers and creeks flood and spread out over the broad floodplains to form vast wetlands, where ducks, geese and wading birds abound.

Contoh Paragraf Narrative

Narrative Text

contoh paragraf narrative
Contoh Paragraf Narrative

A narrative is a text that is aimed to entertain, amuse, teach a lesson or moral, explain something or make a comment.
The narrative consist of:
Ø  Orientation         : introduces the participants and the setting.
Ø  Complication     : a crisis or problem arises.
Ø  Resolution          : the crisis or problem is solved.
Ø  Coda                   : a moral or a message (optional).

Significant language features:
Ø  Focus on specific participants,
Ø  Use of factional verbs,
Ø  Use of past tense,
Ø  Extensive use of adjectives and adverbs, and
Ø  Use of connectors of time.

By Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

                Long ago there lived a king and a queen. They had no child. One day, when the queen was taking a bath a frog crawled ashore out the water and said to her: ‘You will give birth to a daughter’ . It happened as the frog had said, and the queen give birth to a little girl of such beauty that the king was full of joy and ordered a great feast.
                He invited everyone to come to the feast, including the wise-women of the land, in the hope that they would show the child affection and favor. There were thirteen of them in his kingdom, but because he had only twelve golden plates for them to eat from, one of them had to stay at home. The feast was celebrated with great magnificence, and when it was over the wise-women bestowed their magic gifts on the child: one gave her virtue, another beauty, a third wealth, and so on, till she had everything in the world you could wish for. Just as the eleventh of them had spoken her spell, the thirteenth suddenly entered.
                She meant to avenge herself for not having been invited, and without greeting or looking at anyone she cried out in the loud voice: ‘ In her fifteenth year the princess shall prick herself on a spindle and fall dead’. Everyone was horrified, but then the twelfth wise-women, who still had not uttered her wish, said; ‘but it shall not be death the princess falls into, only a deep sleep lasting a hundred years.
                The king, who dearly wished to protect his beloved child from this misfortune, gave orders that every spindle in his kingdom was to be burnt. But on the very day the princess was to reach the age of fifteen, the king and queen were not at home and the girl stayed behind in the palace all by herself. So, she explored everything, looked at the rooms and bedrooms just as she pleased, and finally came to an old tower. She climbed to the top on the narrow spiral stairs and came to a little door. In the lock was an old rusty key: when she turned it the door sprang open and there, in a little room, sat an old woman with a spindle, busily spinning her flax. Interested, the princess took the spindle in her hand and wanted to learn how to spin too. But she had scarcely touched it when the spell was fulfilled and she pricked herself in the finger.
                The moment she felt the prick she fell down on the bed that was standing there, and lay in a deep sleep. And this sleep spread over  the entire palace: the king and queen, who had just got back and entered the hall, began to fall asleep, and so did their whole court with them.
                 But round the palace a thorn thicket began to grow taller and taller every year and in the end surrounded the entire castle. But the legend of the lovely sleeping Briar-Rose (for so the princess came to be called) was told in the land, so that from to time princess would come and try to force their way into the castle. But none of them succeeded, because the thorn bushes gripped each other as if they had hands, and the young men got trapped among them, and couldn’t free themselves and died a piteous death.
                 After many years another prince came to that country. He determined t free the sleeping princess.
                When the prince approached the thorn ticket, the thorns had all turned into enormous beautiful flowers, which parted of their own accord and let him through unharmed, and behind him they closed up again and made a hedge. Then he went further and saw the whole court lying asleep in the hall, and up their beside the throne lay the king and the queen.
                Then he went still further, and in the end he came to the tower and opened the door of the little room where Briar-Rose was sleeping. There she lay, and she was so beautiful he couldn’t take his eyes of her, and he stopped down and kissed her. As his lips touched hers, Briar-Rose opened her eyes, woke up and smile at him. Then they went downstairs together, and the king woke up and so did the queen and the whole court, and they looked at each other in astonishment.
                To end the story, the prince and the princess got married. The wedding was celebrated with great magnificence, and they lived happily till the end of their days.

manfaat lidah buaya

Manfaat Lidah Buaya Lidah buaya disebut juga dengan aloevera. Anda pasti familiar dengan tanaman yang satu ini. Tanaman berwarna hijau yang terkenal berfungsi menyuburkan rambut dan melicinkan kulit ini adalah jenis vegetasi yang sering kita temui di halaman rumah.
Tapi tahukah Anda bila tanaman ini mempunyai manfaat lain selain untuk kosmetik. Berikut beberapa manfaat tanaman lidah buaya:
manfaat lidah buaya
Lidah Buaya

Manfaat dan Khasiat Lidah Buaya

1. Mendinginkan kulit yang terbakar sinar matahari, terutama bagi  mereka yang kerap bekerja di luar ruangan.

2. Mengatasi masalah kulit yang disebabkan cuaca, seperti kulit  kering, kemerahan, mengelupas, dan iritasi ringan atau ruam.

3. Memudarkan warna kemerahan pada memar di tubuh.

4. Mengatasi rasa tidak nyaman yang disebabkan alat cukur.

5. Mengatasi luka bakar ringan.

6. Meredakan kulit yang melepuh.

7. Dapat digunakan sebagai krim anti penuaan dini atau untuk mengatasi  keriput.

8. Mengobati ruam akibat terkena getah tanaman.

9. Mengatasi rasa gatal akibat gigitan serangga.

10. Gunakan setiap hari untuk memudarkan bekas luka dan strecth mark, garis-garis putih atau merah akibat kehamilan.

11. Merawat luka kecil akibat teriris pisau atau   tergores.

12. Memudarkan bintik bintik kehitaman pada kulit.

13. Dapat berguna sebagai pengganti kondisioner dan jelly untuk rambut.

14. Bisa digunakan untuk mengurangi jerawat.

15. Digunakan untuk mempercepat penyembuhan sariawan.

16. Dapat digunakan sebagai body lotion alami.

17. Untuk meredakan otot yang keram atau menegang.

18. Digunakan untuk mengurangi keluhan pada masalah gusi.

19. Mengurangi ketombe pada kepala.

20. Mengatasi kutu air.

(Dery Adhitya Putra)

Manfaat Urang-Aring

Manfaat Urang-Aring -Urang-aring (Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk., sin. Eclipta prostrata L.) adalah sejenis tumbuhan, kebanyakan ditemukan liar sebagai gulma, anggota suku Asteraceae. Terna ini terkenal oleh kegunaannya sebagai penyubur rambut. Di samping itu, urang-aring juga memiliki khasiat sebagai tumbuhan obat. Beberapa nama-nama lainnya, di antaranya orang-aring (Jw.); te-lenteyan (Md.); daun tinta (Banda); daun sipat, keremak jantan (Mly.); dan false daisy.

manfaat urang aring
urang aring

Khasiat dan Keguanaan Urang Aring

Urang-aring menghasilkan zat pewarna hitam. Cairan sarinya digunakan untuk menghitamkan rambut dan untuk membuat tato[3]. Daun urang-aring diremas-remas dalam air, yang kemudian digunakan untuk mendinginkan kepala serta untuk menyuburkan dan menghitamkan rambut. Cairan urang-aring dioleskan pada kepala bayi agar lekas mendapatkan rambut yang hitam. Seduhan urang-aring dalam minyak kelapa digunakan sebagai minyak penyubur rambut.[1] Minyak urang-aring semacam ini populer di Jawa hingga sekitar tahun ’70-an.

Dalam Ayurveda (ilmu pengobatan India), urang aring diyakini sebagai semacam rasayana yang memiliki khasiat panjang usia dan awet muda. Penelitian baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa tumbuhan ini memiliki daya pengobatan terhadap gangguan hati (hepar) dan lambung.[4]

Di tempat-tempat lain, urang-aring digunakan sebagai obat luar untuk penyakit kulit, eksim, "kutu air", bahkan untuk mengatasi serangan hewan berbisa seperti sengatan kalajengking atau gigitan ular.

Daun urang-aring juga dimanfaatkan sebagai lalap, atau di Bali, dicampurkan ke dalam sayur

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